Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The tranquility of my sleep was rudely disrupted by the blare of my alarm clock at five-fifteen this morning. Did I mention AM? I fumbled in the darkness, toying with the notion of destruction. However, I use my Blackberry as an alarm so I reconsidered that notion. I was left with several options at that point. I could push snooze for fifteen more minutes of rest and relaxation. I could reset the alarm for a reasonable time, say seven and get additional rest. The most tempting option was to reset it for six-thirty, get ready and go to the Nibble Nook for biscuits and gravy, country ham and all the trimmings. This notion has had great influence in my life these past few months. The final choice was to head off to the Wellness Center and then on to a healthy breakfast made at home.

Another foundation of our faith is the understanding that choice was implanted into the very DNA of mankind. Adam and Eve were left with options regarding what they would eat in the garden. Their choice left themselves and humanity bearing the consequences of their decisions. Cain faced this dilemma. Angry and sullen that his sacrifice had not been accepted; his anger seethed knowing that God had placed his blessing upon his brother’s sacrifice. While Cain contemplated devastating choices, God intervened, speaking directly to him. “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” (Gen. 4:7 NIV) We can choose to follow Christ unconditionally. We can walk in freedom and grace. We can do what is right; it is our choice.

Forty-eight years of choices have left me a Type II diabetic. Though I bear the consequences, I am glad that I have the freedom to make choices in my life. So, what do you think, did I make it out of bed this morning? Guess you will have to call the Nibble Nook.


  1. That was short. But I liked it. John 14-16. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit will come alongside us and help us with those daily struggles.

  2. I think you made the correct decision an didn't go to Nibble Nook!! Although, a breakfast there now and then might not be so bad!!!! You do know breakfast is the main meal of the day that one should partake of!!! As for the choices, yes we do have that right and yes we do not consider the consequences our decisions cause most of the time. Thanks to God for the right of decisions but may we SEEK HIM in our decisions that we make the correct or best one! Always remembering the conseqences. I bet Adam didn't think much before his decisions!!!

  3. I have tried several times to post a comment to this blog without success. I am trying again tonight. Here goes nothing!

  4. Bro.Wes,
    I started my own blog!!
    check it out if you get a chance

  5. I will visit it right now.

